Samsung Electronics Forgoes OLED TV Jumps Straight into QLED Technology

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Earlier this month senior Samsung Electronics officials reported the company would not be making OLED TVs in the near future, and would be directing its focus on quantum dot-TVs (QLED TVs). Following this development, recent reports suggest the company’s long term strategy might skip OLED TV altogether, according to Korean media ETNews.

Samsung’s medium to long-term roadmap for TVs will dump OLED TV and go directly to QLED, and focus on commercializing QLED technologies.

Reasons cited for the drastic change in TV roadmap developments were OLED panels flaws of shorter lifetime, burn-in phenomenon, and high manufacturing unit cost.

The company and an industry source recently revealed its Samsung Electronics Video Display Business Department has begun changing its roadmap for next generation TVs. The plan will be finalized sometime next month, but will only be shared internally.

The Korean conglomerate will focus on SUHD TVs, which uses QD displays for two to three years to improve the QLED technologies so it can be commercialized. The new QLED TVs will be released in 2019 if speed of development of QLED technologies is considered.

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