US-based LED video display supplier Daktronics announced that it has provided 80 LED display units to a Jordan media service company Seagulls for their city-wide project in Amman, the capital city of Jordan.
Of the 80 LED displays provided for this project, 50 featured 2 square meters and 30 featured 8 square meters of digital space. All 80 units employed 3.9 mm line spacing for up-close viewing distances. These units are installed across the city of Amman to share digital advertising messages to passersby. The installation took place between 2019 and 2020.

(Image: Daktronics)
The market revenue of LED video display is forecasted to reach a 3.7% on-year growth in 2020, according to the investigation of LEDinside research division of TrendForce. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact global economy and bring uncertainty to the market, national governments across the world are likely to implement various economic stimulus policies such as increasing public infrastructure spending. As a result, market demand for LED video walls covering outdoor displays may go up in the second half of 2020.
In the revenue ranking of global LED video wall manufacturers, Daktronics stands out from its Asian competitors and ranked the third place with 8.2% market share. The U.S. company is also working with X Display Company to strengthen its developments in Micro LED display technology.