Chinese Manufacturers: LED Development Needs Government Support and Regulations

Shenzhen Chang Fang Semiconductor Chairman Deng Zichang : LED industry restructure imminent
The LED industry is anticipated to take off this year. Market demand is gradually increasing as the market accepts high Cost/ Performance (C/P) LED lighting. The LED lighting market has begun rapid developments following various countries phase out of incandescent bulbs  to integrate LEDs into households. However, the LED industry’s healthy development is restricted due to disorganized competition, price wars, and lack of uniformity in product standards. Industry restructures and upgrades is therefore imminent.
Shenzhen Mason Technologies Chairman Li Zhijiang: Support for expansion of LED lighting industry
Energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction is important to the financial development of China. The manufacturing of energy efficient products, applications, and service is important to realizing energy efficiency and environmental protection. As a strategic environmental and low carbon emission industry, LED lighting has already become an important player in the energy efficiency industry. When promoting environmental friendly and low carbon emission policies, the government should focus more on LED manufacturers to encourage those with good production capacity, good finances, and innovative technology to enter into the professional lighting energy efficient field.
Elec-Tech International (ETI) Chairman Wang Donglei:  Improving intellectual property rights protection

The Chinese LED industry has become a global leader technologically and size wise. From a sustainable development and globally competitive perspective, domestic manufacturers hope the Chinese government under relatively free market competition conditions can provide comprehensive protection mechanism for intellectual property rights, regulations that grant the entry of related industries, establish product standards, and make the industry environmentally friendly. Domestic manufacturers also hope the government will provide more support for popularization of LEDs, train and introduce technical talent.

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