Everlight 1Q14 Financial Performance Outshines Previous Season

Taiwanese LED manufacturers Jan. 2014 performances showed stellar results spurred by rising lighting and backlight demands. Taiwanese LED package manufacturer Everlight product growth momentum was evenly distributed in 1Q14, and there has been good backlight and lighting demands, said the company Chairman Robert Yeh. The company expects increased 1Q14 revenue growth compared to 4Q13.

The LED industry has been coined as the “miserable industry” in Taiwan over the last two years, but this has been overturned in 2013, said Yeh. Overall demands have risen, and signs of easing price falls. Most manufacturers have a positive outlook for the LED industry in 2014, added Yeh. Everlight is optimistic about 2014 financial performance due to several factors. From the supply chain aspect, many Taiwanese EMS package OEM manufacturers have entered TV packaging. In addition, many Chinese panel manufacturers have also increased production capacity. Both industries will need to use LEDs. Yeh made the remarks during a summit organized by Taiwan’s Academy of Promoting Economic Legislation on Feb. 12, 2014.

Everlight Chairman Robert Yeh at Taiwan’s Academy of Promoting Economic Legislation summit on Feb. 12, 2014. (LEDinside)

Everlight’s Jan. 2014 consolidated revenue reached NT$ 2.10 billion, despite sliding 6.7 percent compared to Dec. 2013, YoY growth was up 27.55 percent. Everlight has maintained outstanding performance in 1Q14, which is traditionally a slack season in the industry. The company’s products had good growth momentum, due to rising lighting and backlight demands, said Yeh. The company’s Feb. 2014 performance was also unaffected by fewer work days, the company's 1Q14 financial results will outdo 4Q13.

At the summit Yeh also mentioned different government’s LED product subsidies, such as Energy Star in the U.S., and Chinese government’s LED lighting subsidies for consumers. However, the Taiwanese government has not issued any LED end market subsidies, noted Yeh. He emphasized LED products are the ideal method to meet country goals of cutting carbon emissions and becoming more energy efficient.

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