Nanoleaf Launches Bloom, a Dimmable LED Bulb with no Dimmer

Nanoleaf Bloom LED bulb. (All Photos and Images viaKickstarter)

Nanoleaf, the LED bulb startup company that released that successfully kickstarted a campaign to fund a highly energy efficient bulb last year is now stepping up its game with a new dimmable bulb that is dimmer-free.

Aside from emphasizing the bulb’s energy saving features, the company did not go into much details about the dimmer free Nanoleaf Bloom design except that the bulb does not require a heatsink for thermal dissipation. It has only released two design diagrams, one for Nanoleaf Bloom and the other for Nanoleaf.

Top: Nanoleaf Bloom diagram. Bottom: Nanoleaf LED bulbs general design. 

The bulb that took four years to develop will come in the form of an A19 bulb can be fitted with E26/E27 bayonet, and can use a max power of 10W. Max brightness is set at 1,200 lumens or equivalent to a 75 watt bulb, and a luminous efficacy of 120 lumens/watt. With a color temperature of 3,000 K, the warm white bulb expected lifetime is 30,000 hours.

Nanoleaf Bloom specs. 

The startup company has raised US $76,191 out of its goal of US$ 300,000 on Kickstarter so far, and plans to mass produce the bulbs by October 2014. A Chinese media Tencent report, though has moved the mass production date ahead to next month.

Nanoleaf has been fairly successful in gaining financial support, and has even won over endorsements from Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, who has invested heavily in the company. According to the same Tencent report, Li has even scaled up investment in the company.

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