Philips Builds Community Light Centers in Kenya

Philips recently announced that it will build 19 "Community Light Centers" throughout Kenya by 2015. These Community Light Centers are areas of about 1000 square meters as large as a small football pitch, being lit up by using solar powered LED lighting.

Philips East Africa Director Roeloi Assies, who made the announcement, said that the activity of building Community Light Centers aims at creating areas of bright light for people who live in rural communities without electricity, thus they can do social, sports and economic activities in the evening. He also said that Africa is carrying out a new reliable solar powered LED lighting revolution which will not only save energy but also provide lights for areas without electricity. The advances in the LED lighting industry will speed up social and economic development across the Africa.

Philips currently has installed more than 100 "Community Light Centers" throughout Africa. The first "Community Light Centre" in Kenya was opened this Tuesday at the Mathare Grounds, next to Mathare Primary School.

According to Assies, we know that Philips also introduced its latest healthcare solutions to the Kenyan market. The company will inaugurate the new neonatal wing at the Gertrude Children's Hospital in Nairobi which is equipped with advanced Philips healthcare imaging and patient-monitoring technology. In addition, over a course of three days, Philips will train more than 120 local healthcare professionals on fetal monitoring, jaundice management and clinical ultrasound. The next stop of road show will be in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on June 25th.

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