Access Fixtures Testing New LEDs for Bollard Lights

Access Fixtures has been testing the new LEDnovations EnhanceLite® light emitting diode (LED) 180 degree directional lamp as an LED light engine in bollards. The outcome is truly astounding. Using our best selling Bollard Lights with a reflector, the efficiency of one a 6.1 watt light engine compared equally with a the light output against a 100W equivalent compact florescent lamp (CFL).

According to Access Fixtures senior lighting specialist Steve Rothschild, LED Bollards can equal CFL brightness while using 73% less energy or only 6.1 watts. Additionally, the LED will operate for 50,000 hours reducing maintenance.

It reduces energy use by energy use by 73-95% and maintenance costs too. On a photopic basis, the LED Bollard light generates over 90 %of the light that the CFL can emit. On a scotopic basis, the LED is equivalent or better. LEDnovation LED lamps and light engines are made in the USA.

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