Aixtron CRIUS II Supports Taiwan Chi Mei for GaN LED Manufacturing

Aixtron’s latest Close Coupled Showerhead (CCS) MOCVD platform system, the CRIUS II, has supported the Chi Mei Group for mass production, outperforming expectations as to process stability, uniformity, and throughput.

Chi Mei has installed the 55x2-inch wafer configuration CCS CRIUS II and became the first customer in Taiwan to receive this new system.

The CRIUS II can easily be tuned to the optimum performance and can further be converted from 2- to 4-, 6-inch or larger wafer size production. Compared to the CRIUS, the CRIUS II reactor capacity has been increased from 31x2-inch to 55x2-inch wafers. It can also accommodate as many as 13x4-inch wafers.


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