Lighting Science Group Received a National "Champion of Change" Award from White House

Lighting Science Group is announced to be selected by the White House as a "Champion of Change," an award associated with President Obama's "Winning the Future" initiative.

The company’s Founder and Chief Technology Officer Fred Maxik was very pleased to receive this award, and issued statement. He stated that"It is both an honor and pleasure to be featured alongside a group of American individuals, businesses and organizations working diligently in their respective science and technology fields to embody the 'Innovate, Educate, Build' approach to business and life. "

“I would not have been selected for this award without the support of Lighting Science Group's tremendous customer and vendor partners and our own world-class employees. Everyday Lighting Science Group's incredibly talented and dynamic team works to revolutionize the science of lighting. Together, we constitute both a company, and a frame of mind that challenges us to rethink the how we view our world, both literally and figuratively. Everyone can adopt that mindset, and by retrofitting our homes and businesses with ultra-efficient, environmentally friendly LED bulbs and fixtures, every American citizen can be a "Champion of Change" in a way that truly makes a difference for self and society."


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