Japan Includes Raising LED Lighting Penetration in Global Warming Prevention Strategies

Japanese government held a special meeting at its Global Warming Prevention Headquarters to address global warming solutions and implement suggestions issued by COP21. (Global Warming Prevention Headquarters/LEDinside)

Japanese government held a special meeting at its Global Warming Prevention Headquarters to address global warming solutions and implement suggestions issued by COP21, the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris. The government aims to accelerate action plans and strategies.

Global warming is one of the most urgent tasks that needs to be tackled, and the international community still needs to collaborate on finding a solution that solves the dilemma between stimulating economic growths or choosing environmental policies to reduce global warming, said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Japan started to implement green energy, energy- efficient, and policies to combat global warming in the aftermath of the Tōhoku earthquake in 2011. Such policies include raising market penetration rate of LED lights, while lowering reliance on fossil-fuel powered plants, which the government will continue to implement in the future.

Global Warming Prevention Headquarter is a governmental department which was established after the adoption of Kyoto Protocol in December 19, 1997.

Currently, Japan plans to implement the  Japan’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) draft, to further lower Japan’s carbon emission. Central Environment Council, Industrial Structure Council will conduct more coordinative work in early 2016. The government also encourages citizens to proactively run NPO, local outreach projects to raise energy saving awareness. The Japanese government also highlighted policies for fuel cell, solar power, emerging green energy and implementation of energy efficient lighting systems. It is expected that more regulations will be proposed to increase the market presence of LED lighting in public, commercial, residential and other application sectors, which will be beneficial for Japan’s LED lighting market.


(Translator: Emma Chang, Editor, LEDinside)

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