Monocrystal Achieves 300 Kg Grade Sapphire Growth with KY Method

Monocrystal demonstrated its capability to grow high quality 300 kg sapphire crystal through its proprietary  modified Kyropoulos method.

Sapphire grown by Monocrystal has become the material of choice in such applications as LEDs, optical products and RFICs, due to consistency in quality and ongoing cost reduction initiatives.

Monocrystal’s CEO Oleg Kachalov demonstrates 300 kg KY crystal. (Photo courtesy of Monocrystal)

“We are committed to helping our customers enable large size sapphire applications in both LED and consumer electronics by growing  extra-large sapphire crystals. At the same time larger crystals will drive sapphire cost down and open  new  price  sensitive  markets  to us.

Our 300 kg crystals put Monocrystal production scalability to a revolutionary level and are vital for broader sapphire adoption in smartphones and other handsets, where glass is still the mainstream,”Monocrystal’s CEO Oleg Kachalov commented.


Monocrystal has been developing sapphire crystal growing technology for more than thirty years and 300 kg crystal represents a significant milestone in expanding its capabilities both in capacity development and cost reduction.

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