Western Indian City Lights up with 35,000 LED Streetlights

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Udaipur, a city in western Indian state Rajasthan, recently rolled out a massive LED streetlight replacement.

The Ministry of Power and Energy Efficiency Services, a joint venture company of a state owned company of the ministry, Udaipur has gotten rid of traditional high pressure sodium lights by replacing it with 35,000 LED streetlights.

LED technology benefits street and community lighting because they are eco-friendly, use less energy.

"We have started the replacement in a phased manner last year and have now achieved the 100% coverage in municipal area”, said Siddharth Sihag, CEO Udaipur Smart City Limited. “The LED bulbs have covered their cost themselves since we are saving a large sum that we had to spend on electricity bill every month.”

Another 2,500 LEDs were installed between light pole gaps for better vision.

Moreover, the city aims to support the LED installations with solar backups. “In the first phase, we would be taking some 500 street lights between Fatehpura to Sukhadia circle which will be supported with solar charging panels,” Sihag added. “This will reduce the electricity consumption even more."

Udaipur municipal corporation is the only city in the state that is providing an extra 10% subsidy to individuals for setting up Solar Rooftops plants in their homes.

"Presently, the state government provides 30% subsidy for solar plants. In Udaipur, people are being encouraged to install the set up with an additional 10% subsidy granted by corporation and even helping them to get a loan for the project to raise the remaining amount that could be payable in easy installments," Sihag informed.

The Indian city might be ahead of other large metropolis.

“It is indeed a great achievement. Even a big city like New York has embarked on a target to replace their street lights with LEDs by 2017, we are a long way ahead," claimed Mahesh Sharma, an environmentalist.

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