Northern Border In-Transit, LLC (NBIT) located in Detroit, Michigan, has selected Lumasmart to upgrade its exterior lighting with LED wallpacks.
LumaSmart’s LED Wallpack, which draws 65 watts of electricity, will replace 400 watt High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights that currently draw 465 watts with ballasts factored in – an 85% savings in energy.
LumaSmart’s exterior LED lighting products use 50 to 90 percent less energy than conventional lights, and last up to 5 times longer. Factoring in both energy and maintenance cost savings results in a typical payback on investment of between 2 and 3 years; relative to this LED Wallpack application, NBIT’s return on investment is just 18 months.
Joe Thiel, CEO of Hybra Advance Technology, the energy management company for NBIT, pointed out that LumaSmart LED Wallpack puts light right were NBIT needs it: over the dock doors and on the driveway, and it does so very effectively…. without light pollution or trapping any light in the fixture.
In addition, the LEDs in the LumaSmart Wallpack fixture provide a clear, fresh looking light for enhanced visibility and safety.
Partial funding for NBIT’s LED Wallpack installation was provided by DTE Energy’s Your Energy Savings Program.