Currently, Philips Lighting has supported Philips Roadway’s1,200 Roadstar luminaires for street lightings in Weston of Florida.
The new Roadstar luminaires come with a 10-year limited warranty and were funded, in part, by federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), which are awarded to local communities making strategic investments to meet the nation's long-term goals for energy independence and climate change leadership.
The retrofit solution, which uses the South Florida city's existing lighting poles along city-owned public thoroughfares, is expected to save Weston up to $160,000 in energy costs and approximately $100,000 in maintenance expenses annually when compared with its previous metal-halide systems.
In addition, compared to conventional lighting solutions, the Roadstar luminaire can reduce energy consumption by as much as 60, making it as beneficial to the environment, as it is for a project's bottom line.