Electric utilities company Xcel Energy will be installing LED streetlights across Wisconsin city Hudson in the U.S., according to a report by Star Observer.
Xcel Energy has rolled out the streetlight upgrade on Oct. 6, 2015 in North Hudson and Hudson that will eventually convert 25,000 high vapor sodium streetlights owned by the power company to LEDs.
The streetlight conversion project will take five years to complete.
The energy company’s crew and contract crews will install LED replacement lights in Hudson, North Hudson and 40 other communities in St. Croix, Polk, Pierce, Dunn and Barron counties in 2015. No costs will be charged on the communities for the streetlight replacements.
“We are making this investment in new technology in step with our commitment to support the energy goals of the communities we serve,” Elwood said. “After pilot projects to test the latest LED technology, as well as a lot of planning and coordinating, we are eager to bring the benefits of advanced lighting to our customers.”