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The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) announced that ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) C136 published ANSI C136.38-2015 American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment—Induction Lighting. This standard defines the electrical and mechanical requirements of induction type light sources for use in roadway and area lighting luminaires. Induction lighting is a class of fluorescent lamp technology, with two classes of induction lamps commercially available: toroidal (ring) lamps and re-entrant cavity lamps.
Originally developed in 2009 by ANSI ASC C136 Committee for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment, this standard was revised to reflect current industry practices and provide additional clarification.
ANSI C136.38-2015 may be purchased in hard copy or downloaded for $46 from the NEMA website.