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Frankenmuth's Downtown Development Authority will replace 120 street light systems on Main and 25 cobra-head light fixtures Weiss streets with LED.
A Michigan Energy Office’s Advanced Lighting Technology Demonstration Grant of more than $70,000 will pay for the lights. The grant is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The energy office awarded the grants to 14 Michigan cities, including Bay City and Mount Pleasant.
The Frankenmuth DDA also will match $35,000 for a total project cost of $105,000.
The DDA estimates the retrofitted street lights will cut energy costs by 60 percent in the demonstration area of Main and Weiss streets and a 20 percent overall savings of about $11,000 per year. The city and DDA share commercial lighting costs 25 percent and 75 percent, respectively.
Department of Public Works employees will install the new, U.S.- and Michigan-made lights and complete the project by June 30.