Recently, the Massachusetts campus have completed LED lighting installation, with the incentives from Western Massachusetts Electric Company and Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources’ federal stimulus money.

New fixtures are capable of enabling conservation of annual costs up to $8,700.
Physical Plant’s electric utilities engineer, John Lavalley, says that a WMECO contractor installed "cobra cutoff heads" that will generate equivalent or even more light when compared to the current high-pressure sodium lamps. In addition, the new fixtures provide enhanced color rendition and are durable.
WMECO funds and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) federal funds provided 100% of cost coverage. This project will act as a pilot in verification of effectiveness, safety, and to analyze the recognition of outdoor LED lighting among the public.
Physical Plant’s electric utility maintenance manager, John Ghidinelli says that the campus’ existing 289-W and 400-W fixtures were effectively replaced with around 64 new 129-W LED fixtures. The pedestrian walkway linking Orchard Hill and Sylvan, and parking lots 32 and 34 including the Sunset Avenue and Massachusetts Avenue’s visitor parking area were furnished with new lights.
According to the assistant director of Utilities, Raymond Jackson, the excellent support offered with both DOER and WMECO will illuminate the parking areas with more radiant bright light besides minimizing the utility budget costs per year.