The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published new guideline for outdoor luminaires and roadway and area lighting equipment with LED technology added.

The NEMA LSD 80-2018 Installation Guidelines for Outdoor Luminaires—Grounding Considerations addresses the application of the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC) as it pertains to the grounding of outdoor luminaires and recommends installation guidelines. New outdoor luminaries contain more electronics (e.g., LED lamps, electronic drivers, and electronic lighting controls) than previous outdoor lighting technologies. Electronics are more sensitive to grounding and wiring issues than earlier technologies. "This whitepaper offers guidelines on proper grounding techniques to improve outdoor luminary performance," said Michael O'Boyle, Technical Policy Manager at Signify.
On the other hand, the ANSI C136.18-2018 American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment—High-Mast Side-Mounted Luminaires covers physical, operational, maintenance, and light-distribution features that permit use of high-mast luminaires in roadway applications when specified. In this edition, references are updated and information covering LED technology has been added.
For more details, please visit: NEMA