Acuity Brands has completed a pilot outdoor LED lighting project, which uses its Holophane(R) brand of luminaires to bring energy savings and sustainability to the scenic campus of Anderson University, Indiana.

With help from the City of Anderson and a grant from the Indiana Department of Transportation, the University recently became a model for a new energy efficient lighting system designed to outlast traditional high pressure sodium (HPS) luminaires and reduce energy consumption by approximately 40 percent.
The Holophane GranVille LED fixtures are offered with classic or premier optics and a variety of trims, luminaire shapes and uplight options. Asymmetric and symmetric distributions provide added flexibility for applications such as parks, city streets, residential areas, campuses, walkways and parking lots.
The Holophane GranVille LED luminaires' door assembly allows simple access to the electronic driver for ease of maintenance. The fixtures' borosilicate glass optics is permanent and never turns yellow or cloudy with age.