Topco Energy Saving System Corp. (TESS) announced the latest innovation in Feb. The new 9W / 9.5 W LED bulbs are designed with CREE LED chips inside. With the leading technology, the 9W cool white bulb reaches 700 lumens and it can replace 70W incandescent bulb.

The 9.5W cool white bulb reaches 800 lumens and it can replace 80W incandescent bulb. The luminance of the LED bulb can be fully output owing to its specific structure. When the bulb is installed in the lighting feature, the actual lumens output of TESS 9.5W LED bulb is better than 100W incandescent bulb and 21W CFL bulb. To compare with incandescent bulb, if you use TESS LED bulb 8 hours a day, the electricity charge you save can balance the cost of the LED bulb within one year. In the countries with high electricity charge, such as in Germany, UK or Japan, the paid-back time can be within 4 to 6 months. Based on 8-hour use a day, the money you save can be more than 60 USD after one year! To compare with the CFL bulb, TESS LED bulb has 3 to 4 times longer lifetime and there is no Mercury. If you use 12 hours a day, considering the money-saving by using LED bulb and the cost for additional CFL bulbs owing to shorter lifetime, your cost can be balanced within two years. TESS 9.5W LED bulb is set-up with 33.0 USD during promotion period.
The warm white bulbs of 9W / 9.5W will be announced soon. TESS would like to seek suitable channel partners to bring the excellent product into the lighting market.
Within TESS product range, now you can find the LED bulbs replacing the incandescent bulbs from 40W to 80W. The strong luminance performance and complete product line makes TESS the leading company of the LED lighting now.