According to the “Chinese Lighting Market Report (2013 version)” released by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce, the Chinese government successfully passed a series of domestic policies in 2012 that serve to not only stimulate LED lighting demand, but also to strengthen the entire business momentum within the LED lighting market. A few of the key policies worth noting include the proposed spending of 2.2 billion RMB on the promotion of CFL and LED lights. Bans on the sales of 100 Watt-and-above incandescent light bulbs, along with those of halogen lamps whose efficiency levels fall below required standards, took effect on October 1st, 2012.
With the general demand for traditional lighting replacement, both LED-based and energy-saving lighting items are expected to gain significant momentum. LEDinside has attempted to measure Chinese LED lighting market value by formulating a model based on the original demand for general luminous flux and the replacement demand for LED-based lighting. As a means to ensure as much prediction accuracy as possible, factors such as China's domestic economic growth and the factors to raise LED lighting penetration rate in China were also taken into account. LEDinside has forecasted that by 2015, the Chinese LED lighting demand will rise up to as high as $US 10 billion. Assuming the country is successful in maintaining its economic growth and increasing LED lighting popularity, the demand value is likely to reach a staggering US$ 22 billion in 2020.
Despite the large, huge scale of China’s LED lighting market, different marketing channels are expected to exert different impacts on the various production life cycles of LED lighting products. While China’s LED industry development is at present still known to be dependent on engineering projects and bidding projects, the situation is expected to change for the better if more and more LED lighting manufacturers deeply develop their business channels and tradition lighting manufacturers generally use LED luminaires. As indicated by LEDinside, through the help of online and physical sales channels, the popularity of LED lighting products will ultimately be greater now than it has ever been in the past. In time, LED lighting is expected to break away from the confines of its segmented market and be able to reach a wider, broader audience in China.
To get more details on the various trends and movements within Chinese LED lighting market, please refer to LEDinside’s “Chinese LED Lighting Market Report: 2013 Version”

source : LEDinside
Chinese Lighting Market Report -2013 Version
Chapter 1 Chinese Lighting Market Development Forecast
Section 1 Chinese Lighting Market Value Forecast
Section 2 Chinese Lighting Export Analysis
Section 3 Chinese Lighting Market Demand Forecast
Section 4 Major Chinese Luminaire Manufacturers
Highlight: Revenue Scale, Capital, Product Segment, Market Segment, Company Profile, Business Status, Revenue And Profit, Product Mix, Yankon Lighting, Foshan Lighting, Changfang Lighting, Kingsun Lighting, Cnlight, Nationstar, Honglitronic, And Feilo Acoustics
Chapter 2 Chinese LED Lighting Industry Policy Support And Regional Development
Section 1 Major Chinese Government Polices To Support the LED Lighting Industry
Section 2 LED Promotion and Implementation Plans in Various Areas
Chapter 3 Analysis of Lighting Market Segments and Channels
Section 1 Chinese LED Sales Channel Pricing Strategy Analysis
1. LED Lighting Channel Ratio And Trend Forecast
Internet Channel Supply Chain Survey- Channel Introduction, Launched Product Specifications, Retail Price And Analysis (
2. Store Channel Survey
Survey On Product Prices And Specifications In Retail Stores
3. Distribution Channel Survey
2012 LED Luminaire Manufacturer Development In Distribution Channel
Dealer/Direct Sales Store -NVC
Analysis and Conclusions:
Section 2 Commercial Lighting- Retail, Hotels, Office Lighting and Entertainment Lighting
Section 3 Residential Lighting
Section 4 Industrial Lighting
Section 5 Outdoor Lighting
LED Product List And Market Field
Environment And Request
Channel Analysis
Chinese LED Market Segment Analysis
Major Manufacturer Overview
Chapter 4 Chinese LED Lighting Supply Chain Overview
Section 1 ODM / OEM Supply Chain International Lumainire Manufacturers
Highlight: Philips、Osram、GE、Toshiba、Sharp、NEC
Section 2 Basic Requirements For Entering the ODM / OEM Supply Chain
Section 3 Case Analysis and Discussion on ODM / OEM Projects And Conclusions
Chapter 5 Major Energy Management Business Models For LED Energy Saving Project
Section 1 Energy Management Contract (EMC) Model
Section 2 Build and Transfer (BT) Model
Section 3 EMBT Model
Chapter 6 Analyzing Characteristics And Cost of LED Lighting Products
Section 1 Analyzing The Features Of LED Lighting Products
Section 2 Analyzing The Key Materials Of LED Lighting Products
Section 3 LED Lighting Products BOM Cost Analysis
Highlight: 40W Equiv. LED Lamp, T8 Light Tube, 100W LED Street Lamp, 12W PAR30, And 5W MR16
Section 4 LED Energy Saving- Case Analysis
Chapter 7 Lamp Accessories and Major Manufacturers Overview
Section 1 LED Driver IC Development Situation and Major Manufacturers
Section 2 LED Power Supply Development Situation and Major Manufacturers
Section 3 LED Lighting Thermal Module Development Situation and Major Manufacturers
Chapter 8 Investment Suggestions and Trend Analysis
Section 1 Suggested Investment Strategy
Section 2 Trend Analysis
Published Date: June 30, 2013
Language: English
Format: Electronic File (PDF)
Page: 229
If you would like to know more details, please contact :
Joanne Wu
+886-2-7702-6888 ext. 972 |