Hug Back as You Hold $160 LED Pillow

It’s reported that some people will take artificial lighting as a sun-substitute for health reasons, which makes the d°light Huggable light-emitting pillow seem like a practical gadget. You could even use it as a night light. Unfortunately, some people have tried it and aren't impressed, especially by the price.

The d°light Huggable pillow sheet uses batteries and envelops a circuit of 12 transparent silicon spheres with LEDs. But according to Yahoo's Gina Hughes, the pillow is not really comfortable. Its silicone blobs, which scatter the harshness of the LEDs for a warm look, are not soft and give it an uneven shape. And everyone can agree that the $160 price is too much, no matter its benefits.

Also, I'm not the snarkiest of people, but you have to give pause to the over-selling of any gadget. On the designer's site, it's mentioned that the pillow 'almost hugs back as you hold it,' among other gag-inducing user quotes.

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