LightWild today announced it has completed the LED in-grade lighting for the Royal York Courtyard Garden located in New York City.
The design for the 15,000 square foot courtyard garden was conceived by Town and Gardens, Ltd in New York. Senior designer on the project, Michael Franco, selected 43 RGB LED LightWild 12x24-inch (300 x 600 mm) Tiles to show motion as the colors cycle through the color-controllable RGB series. When lit, the tiles can be seen throughout the roof courtyard, which is situated on top of a 2-level parking garage between two condominiums located at 420 East 64th & 425 East 63rd Street in Manhattan.
"The tiles were installed into a raised pedestal pre-cast paving system on top of the roof. The lights and pavers are above a two-level parking garage that has a roofing membrane. The areas above the roof are planted with three different kinds of groundcovers," says Michael Franco, Senior Designer. "LightWild Tiles were chosen as the product fit the concept of movement and motion."