Siemens announced the completion of the unique and pioneering technological project together with Munich multimedia artist Michael Pendry. The lighting installation consists of 9,000 Siemens Osram light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that are as bright as around 20,000 Christmas candles. Yet the entire installation uses only as much electricity as a hair dryer or a water kettle. In good weather, the art object can be seen for 30 kilometers. The span of the world’s biggest revolving Christmas star is nearly 70 meters – as wide as a soccer field.
Nearly 400 meters of power cables were laid for installation – a length that would reach over the top of the Eifel Tower. The lighting installation adds 100 kilos to each rotor blade. The LEDs are fastened to the wind turbine blades with superglue used in space, since under windy conditions the LEDs are subject to forces up to 20 G, or more than three times the g-force experienced by an astronaut during a rocket launch.

The Siemens Superstar. A gigantic Christmas star, shining far and wide, currently greets drivers on the A9 autobahn. In collaboration with Munich light artist Michael Pendry, Siemens has equipped a windmill with 9000 LEDs and now project its light show into the night. The XXL installation is a pioneering technical achievement – but uses only as much electricity as two portable water heaters.