TNT, Transnational Tandeidan, is a non-governmental organization that has been dedicating to promote a better lighting world. For more than a decade, TNT has already held countless lectures, workshops and events to invite people around the world join their lineup to feel the light around ourselves. This year, TNT traveled to Taiwan and collaborated with Xue Xue Institute to invite Taiwanese people to observe the lighting world.
2002 in Tokyo, members of TNT were discussing. The third one from right: Kaoru Mende.
Transnational Lighting Detectives
Kaoru Mende is an international lighting designer from Japan, funder of Lighting Planners Associates Inc. as well. On 1990, he fund TNT with Yutaka Inaba, Hiroyasu Shoji, Masahide Kakudate, Ryuichi Sawada and Keiko Hanji to do lighting research, investigation and practice for a better lighting world. Tandeidan is a Japanese term that means “detectives” so it is clear that the aim of this organization is to “detect” lighting, including lighting sources, lighting environment and lighting cultures. Now, TNT is an impressive and famous international organization and has led enormous numbers of people to learn more about lighting. The scale of TNT has also been extended and several distinguished lighting designers from every corner on the Earth have become its members. In order to promote their concepts, TNT holds various kinds of activities open to both professionals and public. They detect light during the night, discuss light and share their ideas of light. They believe that we should detect light via our own senses rather that merely reading books; so they wander around cities everywhere as detectives search for clues – clues of good lighting.
TNT in Taipei
This year, TNT chooses Taiwan as their new target to advocate their concepts. TNT cooperate with Xue Xue Institute, a cultural education oriented private institute, to hold a series of activities including Detecting Taipei in Night Workshop and the popular PechaKucha Night vol. 24. On this September, Mr. Mende and the TNT team will lead Taiwanese people to observe how lighting involve in our daily life and share exceptional lighting cases around the world to reveal their perception on good lighting.
2006, event in Singapore.
The workshop is an outdoor activity that Mr. Mende and several lighting designers will lead students to inspect, examine and discuss lighting conditions around Taipei City. After two days of outdoor lighting courses, there will be a final presentation open to everyone who is interested in lighting design on 15:00 – 17:00, 21th September. On that night there comes the amusing event PechaKucha Night vol. 24.
The title PechaKucha comes from Japanese, means adoration to “nice talk.” The format PechaKucha Night takes is “20x20” – showing 20 images, each for 20 seconds. As long as you have something to share, you can have a stage on PechaKucha Night and present your images. This event is now happening in more than 500 cities around the world and the places are not always formal; you can take part in this activity in bars, homes, studios, universities, anywhere that is welcome and good for it. PechaKucha Night vol. 24 in Taipei will be hosted by Taiwanese lighting designer Uno Lai in Xue Xue Institute building. Of course, all those lighting masters will attend and share their viewpoints on lighting. This is such an occasional event that there is no reason to miss.
2008, event in Belgrade. You can also be a presenter on the stage!
Interested? Please check these websites below for more information or booking:
Transnational Tanteidan x Xue Xue Institute Courses
PechaKucha Night
Xue Xue Institute (Traditional Chinese)
Photos of past activities (Photo Credit: Lighting Planners Associates Inc.):
2009 in Beijing
2005 in New York.
2002 in Tokyo.