Application: General lighting, Light is quality of life, Medical applications
Technology: LED, Light Management Systems (LMS), Luminaires
Target group: Operators of health care facilities
Coherence between biologically active lighting and therapy success
In December 2015 the Memory Center at the St. Augustinus Clinics in Neuss was opened. It is the first contact for interdisciplinary assistance and supply of humans with dementia. The center is equipped with long time, short time and daily care rooms. In 70 cities with 14 different facilities the St. Augustinus Clinics have for example hospitals, psychiatry or retirement home and rest home for elderly people. This facilities are among the best equipped contractor of health and social service.
The OSRAM Service Center Wipperfürth was essentially involved in this project. (All Photos Courtesy of Osram)
Light is very important in daily life of people not only for perception but also to control the inside clock and affects in this way well-being. Results of latest studies on biologically active lighting and dynamic light for therapy support were applied for the light planning in various areas of the Memory Center.
Osram's experts developed and implemented the Human Centric Lighting concept. Modern light management systems like LIGHTIFY and e:cue with LED Tunable White luminaires create a comparable light quality as the natural day light. |
The OSRAM Service Center Wipperfürth was essentially involved in this project. Our experts developed and implemented the Human Centric Lighting concept. Modern light management systems like LIGHTIFY and e:cue with LED Tunable White luminaires create a comparable light quality as the natural day light. In addition the luminaires can be controlled individually by tablet or pre-programmed light scenes. So the light can be adapted to the particular activity and use.
In active phases of the day the light should have a higher blue percentage. This might support the concentration and activity: By reaction of the eye receptors the control center of brain will be activated, whereas red wavelength lighting sections might help to relax and calm.