Heliospectra AB announces a new order from their value-added reseller Climate Controls Ltd, UK. The order is for Heliospectras fully adjustable LX60-series full spectrum LED grow lights to be installed at the iconic Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew and at Wakehurst, Kew's wild botanic garden in Sussex (which is also the home of the Millennium seedbank). The order value is SEK 1.7 million (£ 150,000). Delivery will take place and be visible in the accounts in Q2 2018.
(Image: Heliospectra) |
The Royal Botanical Gardens Kew is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Surrey, UK offering the largest and most diverse collection of living plants in the world. The collection includes plants from tropical, temperate, arid and alpine climates, that are grown in the gardens and also in controlled greenhouse nurseries. The new Heliospectra LX60 LED grow lights will be retrofitted in The Tropical Nursery with the aim to improve plant quality using a more environmentally-friendly lighting solution. At Wakehurst, the LX60 grow lights will be used in The Wellcome Trust Millennium Building and support glasshouse.
"As a leader and facilitator of glasshouse systems we are constantly looking towards new innovative and more sustainable solutions. Heliospectra's LX60 series delivers a reliable solution and the ability to adjust the light spectrum to a plant's needs. This flexibility and control is precisely what the team at RBG Kew were looking for as they cultivate and grow hundreds of diverse species each year," said Pierre Bisson director of Climate Controls Limited.
"The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, is a world renowned resource for plant propagation and knowledge," said Ali Ahmadian, CEO Heliospectra. "Our adjustable spectrum and market leading control enable Kew Gardens and other botanical gardens to tune in on specific needs of hundreds of different plants to produce the high quality crop they need."
Heliospectra's intelligent LX60 LED grow lights and software controls create clear business advantages for cultivation teams and researchers around the world. The adjustable full spectrum LED technology enables growers to improve quality, accelerate harvest and production cycles while delivering consistent yields.