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Sunovia EnergyTechnologies, Inc. is pleased to announce that ithas been awarded a LED lighting contract by the city of Fairview, Texas. Thecontract calls for Sunovia to provide its energy-efficient EvoLucia(TM) LEDlighting products for street lighting within the city.
By replacing typical metal halide and/or incandescent lights withSunovia's proprietary LED lighting products, municipalities and othercustomers typically save more than 75% in electrical costs, and thereforereduce carbon emissions by the same percentage. These electrical savings haveallowed Sunovia to develop a financing program whereby the cost of theEvoLucia(TM) LED lights is offset largely by the electrical savings enjoyed asa result of the installation.
'The environmental and energy-efficient vision of Fairview's city councilis simply a pleasure to work around, and I am confident that their leadershipwill have a domino effect on other cities within the state of Texas and aroundthe country,' stated Bob Fugerer, president and CTO of Sunovia. 'I believethat the city of Fairview will be a springboard for the company to secureadditional opportunities and projects in the future, and I am proud of thework that our company, and specifically our engineering team, is doing in thisimportant area of the industry,' added Fugerer.
About Sunovia Energy Technologies, Inc.
Sunovia is a Sarasota, Fla.-based renewable energy and energy conservationcompany that is developing an advanced and cost-effective cadmium telluride(CdTe) solar cell technology. Sunovia is also the owner of theenergy-efficient LED lighting product line, EvoLucia(TM). The EvoLucia(TM)brand is CE, FCC, TUV and IP23 regulatory approved, and is now marketedworldwide.
Sunovia owns a significant equity interest in Illinois-based EPIRTechnologies, Inc. , one of the most advanced IR sensorand IR imaging companies in the world. EPIR's knowledge, experience andexpertise in the growth of CdTe, HgCdTe and other II-VI semiconductors equalor exceed any other company in the world. Their prowess in this area isunmatched and has been endorsed by the award of unprecedented congressionalfunds for the development of a manufacturing capability for CdTe on Si and theaward of a patent for growing CdTe directly on a Si readout integratedcircuit. EPIR and Sunovia have a network of close collaborative relationshipswith the major Defense Department and industrial labs involved in IR detectionand imaging, including the Army Research Laboratory, the Night VisionElectronic Sensors Directorate, BAE Systems, and other laboratories around theworld.