LED Linear was represented this evening by Guido Beck, CEO of the supervising advertising agency BECKDESIGN. (All Photos Courtesy of LED Linear)
The German Brand Award is the award for successful brand management in Germany. Its aim: discover, showcase and reward groundbreaking brands and brand makers. Initiator of the competition is the German Design Council. Recipients are innovative brands, consistent brand management and sustainable brand communication as well as personalities and companies that are pioneering in the world of brands. LED Linear was represented this evening by Guido Beck, CEO of the supervising advertising agency BECKDESIGN. The agency in Bochum manages and develops the brand for 10 years together with LED Linear.
Even being nominated is an honor, because only companies who have been nominated by the German Brand Institute, its brand scouts and expert panels for the German Brand Award 2016 are able to participate in the competition. The award is presented in three competition categories: "Excellence in Branding," "Industry Excellence in Branding" and "Excellence in Brand Strategy, Management and Creation". In the categories "Industry Excellence in Branding” and “Excellence in Brand Strategy, Management and Creation" the best 10 brand strategies are awarded as Winner. They are selected by a special jury. Among the winners of the category "Industry Excellence in Branding" is also LED Linear. The company convinced the jury with its unwavering focus on excellence in the past 10 years. But also the 2016er relaunch with a new corporate design and the confident and innovative appearance of the company were standing in the foreground at the brand strategy. A brand of light, design and passion.

The Promoter:
The German Brand Institute was launched to strengthen the importance of brand management as a critical success factor for companies in national and international competition. With the German Brand Award, the Institute and the German Design Council assign a unique award for outstanding brand management. The German Brand Institute was initiated by the Design Council and the GMK Markenberatung. Thus, the German Design Council underlines its commitment to the competitiveness of German brands.