UV LED technology expert AquiSense Technologies announced the launch of the PearlSurface 24G9™, one of the first UVC LED surface disinfection products designed for health care applications such as reuse of N95 face mask and other PPE.
According to AquiSense, the new product PearlSurface 24G9 can deliver high UV exposure up to 1,000 mJ cm-2 in less than 20 minutes and offer consistent irradiance distribution over complex surfaces. The system can start operation instantly and is mercury free.

(Image: AquiSense Technologies)
The produce is also under the current US FDA enforcement relief to deal with immediate COVDI19 emergency use and will simultaneously submit a premarket approval application.
“We accelerated our product development pipeline in response to immediate global needs for reliable reuse disinfection products,” said Oliver Lawal, CEO at AquiSense Technologies. Based on its high power UVC LED technology for water treatment, the company is able to turn its expertise into other applications. AquiSense Technologies is currently interested in talking to potential partners and distributors for its surface disinfecting product.