At Display International, Touch Taiwan 2018, numerous display technologies and innovations have been introduced to give visitors a peek of their potential applications in the near future. Taiwan-based technology R&D institution ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) has exhibited its most updated transparent displays embedded with interactive functions.
ITRI has developed AMOLED displays with a 71 percent transparency. The high transparent displays enable innovative applications for automotive glass, advertising windows and exhibitions applications. Based on the transparent displays, ITRI has developed two interactive systems integrated with eye tracking directive object recognition, dynamic object recognition, directive touch, and information fusion technology.

One interactive system was applied on a smart exhibition window display with a camera sensor installed. By tracking the vision of users and sensing the pointing directions, the display can provide related information of the objects pointed. The system was designed to interact with multiple users simultaneously to provide instant interactive experiences for users to obtain information of the exhibited objects.

Another dynamic interactive system was showcased on a smart aquarium. Users can touch the transparent display to indicate the fish they want to learn more about and the introductory information of the selected fish will show on the display and follow the movement of the fish. The system tracks the eyesight of users and recognizes the dynamic objects.
These interactive display systems can be applied in museums, aquariums, shopping centers and transportation to provide immediate information for users according to their interests. ITRI has continued to improve the accuracy and the reacting time of the systems, as well as to increase the transparency of the display. According to ITRI, transparency is one of the most difficult obstacles to break through.