TrendForce’s latest 2020 Global LED Lighting Market Report- Light LED and LED Lighting Market Trend shows that, by 2024, the global LED smart street light market scale will expect to reach US$ 1.1 billion with CAGR of 8.2% during 2019-2024. (smart street market scale, only including lamp luminaire and single lighting control system.)
TrendForce analyst Christine Liu indicates that downstream LED lighting demand is highly related to macroeconomic development. Although there exist many uncertainties under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, governments around the world have implemented fiscal stimulus and started new smart city construction to invest in new infrastructure construction to spur economy, especially in China and North America. Roadway and street construction are one of the biggest investment spending categories, for instance, the total road construction spending of the U.S. government in 2019 was US$ 97.6 billion (+6.34%YoY), which will favor outdoor lighting like LED street light. For nearly 2 years, LED lighting manufacturers including Signify, AcuityBrands, Zumtobel, Leotek (a lighting brand under Lite-On Group) and Unilumin have been continuously launching new outdoor smart lighting products and integrated solutions, which will accelerate the penetration of the smart street lighting market.
From the perspective of the construction cost of smart street light projects, TrendForce indicate that , generally speaking, smart light poles mainly contains 6 core functions: 1) intelligent lighting, 2) information dissemination, 3)security surveillance monitoring,4)environmental detection, 5) charging station, 6)5G micro station platform.
Among its functional accessories, smart lighting equipment, including LED modular design lamp head and single light controller, is a 100% standard product. According to TrendForce’s investigation, the average market price of the highest equipped (selective assembly) smart light poles is US$6,997.9, of which smart lighting equipment is US$182.5, accounting for 2.6%.
Smart Street Pole Construction Cost Analysis

Source: TrendForce, Aug. 2020
In fact, China is the main driver of the global smart street light development around the world. However, but such large-scale municipal engineering projects are more complicated in the domestic market, involving multiple interest groups. And without clear and unified standards, the implementation of the project is actual slow. In addition, under the framework of smart city construction, the smart street lighting project involves the Internet of Things and communications. Therefore, governments tend to give this bid to enterprises with concentrated resources and powerful strength. It is inevitable to adopt multi-party cooperation in the construction and replacement of urban street lighting project. As far as LED lighting manufacturers are concerned, to complete smart street light project, they had better to rely on strong communications companies. It is observed that in the future China’s smart street light projects will be led by companies with strong resource integration capabilities such as Huawei and Tencent.
TrendForce believes that the further the smart street light goes to the downstream industrial chain, the greater its added value will be. LED lighting manufacturers should strengthen the system service ability based on their existing advantages, broaden the integration strength of LED lighting products, and improve their own comprehensive service level, so as to enter the supply system. At the same time, the government needs to clarify the standards for smart street lighting and do comprehensive design in smart city planning to provide a reliable basis for the development of the LED smart street light industry.
2H20 Global LED Lighting Market Outlook- Light LED and LED Lighting Market Trend
Release Date: 31 July 2020
File Format: PDF
Language: Traditional Chinese / English
Page: 124
Chapter 1 Lighting LED Market
2020-2024 Lighting LED Market Scale- by Product
2020-2024 Lighting LED Market Scale- by Package
2020-2024 Lighting LED Market Scale- by Power
Chapter 2 Global Lighting Market Trend
LED Lighting Market Scale- Methodology
LEDinside LED Lighting Market- Production Definition
2020-2024 Global LED Lighting Market Scale: by Product
2020-2024 Global LED Lighting Market Scale: by Region
2020-2024 Global LED Lighting Market Penetration Forecast
2020-2024 Installed Global LED Lighting Market and Penetration
2018-2020 Global LED Lighting Market Forecast: by Product
2019 Global LED Lighting Market-Value Based: by Region vs. by Product
2019 Global LED Lighting Market-Volume Based: by Region vs. by Product
2020 Global LED Lighting Market-Value Based: by Region vs. by Product
2020 Global LED Lighting Market-Volume Based: by Region vs. by Product
2020-2024 Global LED Lighting Application Market Trend
Chapter 3 Regional Lighting Market Trend and Regulation
Global LED Lighting Market Trend
European Lighting Market Trend
US Lighting Market Trend
Japan Lighting Market Trend
China Lighting Market Trend
Asia Pacific Lighting Market Trend- Southeast Asia, Australia and India
Middle East and Africa Market Trend
Latin America Lighting Market Trend
Chapter 4 High Growth LED Lighting Market
2020-2023 Global LED Architectural Landscape Lighting Market Scale
2020-2023 Architectural Landscape Lighting Source Type Analysis
Major Players of Architectural Landscape Lighting and Value Chain Analysis
Business Model Analysis of Architectural Landscape Lighting
Architectural Landscape Lighting Specification Requirements and Price Analysis
Chinese Landscape Lighting’s Regulations and Certifications
Euramerican Market Access Standards and Regulations
Class A of Lighting Engineering Designers in Chinese Architectural Lighting Market
Chapter 5 Smart Lighting Market Trend
Cross-Industry Cooperation is a New and Necessary Model for Smart City
Changes in Street Light Development
Definition of Smart Street Light
2020-2024 Global Smart Street Light Market Scale
2020-2021 Global Smart Street Light Market- By Technology
Smart Street Light Installation is Assigned on Demand
Smart City Construction Drives the Rapid Implementation of Smart Street Light Projects
5G Micro Station Construction Boosts Smart Street Lighting Market
Smart Street Lighting Control System
Technology Core of Smart Street Lighting Network
Smart Street Light Value Chain and Main Players
Chinese Smart Street Light Main Participants Analysis
Analysis on Construction Cost and Price of Smart Street Light
Primary Business Operation Model of Smart Street Light: EMC + PPP
Chapter 6 Lighting Product and LED Market Requirements
Filament Light Specification and Price Overview by Regions
Filament Lamp Market- LED Specification Requirements
Street Light Specification and Price Overview by Regions
Panel Light Specification and Price Overview by Regions
Panel Light Market- LED Specification Requirements
Troffer Light Specification and Price Overview by Regions
Troffer Light Market- LED Specification Requirements
High Bay Specification and Price Overview by Regions
High Bay Market- LED Specification Requirements
Explosion-proof Light Specification and Price Overview by Regions
Explosion-proof Light Market- LED Specification Requirements
Chapter 7 Lighting Manufacturer Revenue Ranking
2018-2019 Top 20 Lighting Player Revenue Ranking
2018-2019 Top 20 LED Lighting Player Revenue Ranking
2019-2020 (E) Top 20 LED Lighting Player Revenue Ranking - Lighting and LED Lighting Revenue
Acuity Brands
Endo Lighting
Chinese Lighting Manufacturers’ Strategies
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