According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, LEDinside TV and Gaming Display Market Trend of 2018, backlight and self-emissive display technology will compete together in the near future.
In 2018, the general LED application on backlight is expected to account for about 98.9% and the self-emission is about 1.1%. The use of LED in traditional TV backlights will decline, and turn to high-end market applications, such as the blue LED + QDEF and Mini LED.
Self-emissive TV covers OLED and Micro LED technologies. Micro LED with LED's high brightness contrast and long lifetime features will have an opportunity to compete with OLED.
TV Displaies- Wide Color Gamut, High Color Contrast, Slim, and Curved Design Accelerate Topics in the Market
In 2018, the general LED application on backlight is expected to account for about 98.9% and the self-emission is about 1.1%. The use of LED in traditional TV backlights will decline, and turn to high-end market applications, such as the blue LED + QDEF and Mini LED.
1. Blue LED +QDEF: wide color gamutBlue light LED triggers QDEF to produce red, blue and green spectrums, and NTSC 100-110% is expected to be reached. LEDinside projected that the CAGR of blue LED + QDEF technology will be about 21% from 2017 to 2023.
2. Mini LED direct-type backlight module is adopted to increase the contrast of each display area for TV. Therefore, Mini LED backlight market share is expected to spring up to 15% in 2023 as technology matures and cost drops.
3. OLED TV: In recent years, TV manufacturers have gradually turn to develop OLED high-end markets. The CAGR of OLED TV will be 39% from 2017 to 2023.
4. Micro LED TV: Micro LED with LED's high brightness contrast and long lifetime features will have an opportunity to compete with OLED. However, the technology so far is at the development stage. LEDinside estimated that Micro LED TV market share will reach to 2% in 2023.

(Image: LEDinside)
Gaming Market Demand Spring up Gaming Monitor Shipment
Due to increasing gaming market demand, the display usage volume has been boosted. In 2018, the gaming monitor shipment volume is expected to hit 3.6 million sets. Compared with 2.5 million in 2017, the growth is around 40%.
CAGR of Gaming Display LED will reach to 30% from 2018 to 2021
With the boost of the entire gaming market, the LED usage volume of the mainstream gaming display, which is 23.8-32 inch, is expected to reach 22.4 million pcs in 2018 and hit 44.1 million pcs in 2021, at a CAGR of 30%.
LEDinside 2018 TV and Gaming Display Market Trend
TV Market Scale Estimation
TV Light Source Classification
2018-2023 TV Light Penetration Rate
2018-2023 TV Backlight Market Trend
2018-2023 Self-emissive TV Market Trend
2018 LED Product Requirement in Direct-Type TV
2018 LED Product Requirement in Edge-Type TV
TV Backlight Manufacturer Trend- Korean Brand
TV Backlight Manufacturer Trend- Chinese Brand
Potential Mini LED Backlight Manufacturers
TV Display Technology
TV Display Technology Analysis
QLED Display Technology Structure
QLED Development Map
Mini LED Display Technology Structure
Mini LED Development Map
OLED Display Technology Structure
OLED Development Map
Micro LED Display Technology Structure
Micro LED Future Development
Gaming Monitor Current Development
Gaming Monitor Application
2018-2021 Gaming Monitor Shipment and LED Usage Volume
Potential Gaming Monitor Player List
Joanne Wu
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 912
Grace Li
+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 916