Madrid Study Claiming LED Screens Cause Retinal Damage Questionable

New studies show that close contact to LED lights cause damage to our retinas. Is this really the case though?
The study showing ocular damage caused by LED screens use is conducted by UCM and Dr. Celia Sanchez Ramos. In the study, is concluded that “part of the LED light emitted by electronic device screens can damage retinal skills,” according to their research.
The research is less than convincing however since tests were only conducted on mice who were exposed to prolonged close-up contact to LED screens that no human would possibly replicate.
“The Madrid study tested someone looking at the equivalent of a 100watt light bulb, at a distance of 12 inches for 12 hours a day… And this isn’t something a normal person would be doing,” said the London Eye Hospital’s Bobby Qureshi in an interview with Metro.

So before you rush out to buy products to protect your eyes from LED screens, wait until a more realistic study is released with plausible results. 

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