Epson has recently rolled out the V500, its latest scanner designed for home and office use. With the new ReadyScan™ LED Technology, the V500 is the first in the Epson scanner family to replace the traditional cold cathode flourescent lamp (CCFL) light source with the light emission diode (LED) technology.
According to Epson, the ReadyScan™ LED Technology eliminates the warm up time of the scanner when it starts to scan or switches from scanning film to scanning reflective images, ensuring users to experience fast overall scan speeds. What’s more, with energy-efficient LEDs replacing CCFL, power is reduced by 20% and 44% over previous models during operation and ready mode respectively.

LED transparency unit for the Epson Perfection V500
The Epson Perfection V500 is the first CCD mercury-free flatbed scanner with film scanning capability. In terms of technology, ReadyScan LED Technology has many advantages that explain why other fields of technology are also replacing the traditional CCFL with LED.
The Epson V500 office scanner will be out in September and priced at $350.