Microdisplay solutions provider Compound Photonics (CP) announced its partnership with Plessey, the UK-based Micro LED technology builder, for developing the world’s smallest 1080p (1920x1080 pixel) GaN-on-Silicon Micro LED based microdisplay solution suitable for integration into AR and MR smart glasses.
Under this partnership, Plessey will bond CP’s high speed digital low-latency backplane silicon wafer with Plessey’s proprietary GaN on Silicon monolithic Micro LED array wafer. In turn, CP will utilize its deep experience in microdisplay assembly, test, and packaging to create display modules from the bonded wafers in combination with CP’s NOVA high-performance display driver architecture to deliver a complete solution compatible with the industry standard MIPI display pipeline.

(Image: Plessey/Compound Photonics)
Mike Lee, President of Plessey Semiconductors, commended, “CP’s flexible high-performance end to end digital architecture and leading edge display driver IP are key enablers for delivering Micro LED displays with improved brightness at smaller pixel sizes, higher frame rates, extended greyscale bit depth, and low power consumption to best serve next generation emissive display based AR/MR smart glasses and Heads-Up/Head-mounted displays (HUD/HMDs) applications.”
Initial samples of a 0.26 inch diagonal, full HD 1080p resolution Micro LED display integrated with display driver IC to accept industry standard MIPI input are expected to be available by mid-year 2020.