DUSSELDORF is not well-endowed with nostalgic charm, and soon may be shorter of it still. The 17,000 or so gas lamps that still bathe the streets of the old centre in their glow are on their way out. The German city's municipal power utility plans to replace about 10,000 of them with a technology that is cheaper to operate but so modern that only a handful of cities have begun to use it: light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
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Metro Red Line subway passengers are now seeing 15-second LED tunnel ads designed to generate more revenue for the transit agency as well as advertisers. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority debuted the new electronic ads earlier this week with a flickering advertisement for the movie "Speed Racer." The video floats outside the train's window in a dark tunnel. The videos are actually 360 LED lights hung over a quarter-mile span of the tunnel. When trains go past the lights, the human eye perceives movement.
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Faiz Rahman, a nanoelectronics researcher at the University of Glasgow, predicts that LED light bulbs for the home will start appearing on store shelves in the next 2-3 years to compete with incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.If so, the LED bulbs would provide a much greater efficiency (up to 70%) compared with incandescent (5%) and fluorescent (25%) bulbs.
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Most people already know that excessive exposure to the sun is dangerous to the skin. UV light causes environmental damage, fine lines, wrinkles, dryness and spots. So how is it possible that a certain light therapy can actually be good for the skin? Skincare-News.com's latest article, "LED Light Therapy Treats Aging and More," explains the benefits of this new treatment.
How LED works
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This stunning LED chandelier lit up this year's BKLYN Designs with a stellar low-energy lighting solution for light emitting diodes. Recent Pratt graduate Kenzan Tsutakawa-Chinn wowed attendees at the BKLYN Designs show with his constellation chandelier, which takes the form of a gorgeous starburst, breaking LEDs free from their circuit-mounted domain.
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London's Arcola Theatre demonstrates that there is no artistic compromise required to deliver low energy naturalistic lighting for classic works. Mehmet Ergen's recent critically acclaimed production of Ibsen's An Enemy of the People which finished on April 26th was lit on under 5kW.
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NOVA 3D LED light display runs at 25fps by Nilay Patel, posted May 2nd 2008 at 5:33PM. You know we love the crazy light fixtures, and it doesn't get much crazier than the NOVA, a 3D LED display developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology for its 150th birthday.
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In many of Africa's towns and villages, smoky kerosene lamps are all that keeps the darkness at bay after sunset. However, kerosene is a dangerous and increasingly expensive source of light for Africans who do not have access to electricity -- about three-quarters of those living on the continent, according to the World Bank.
Lighting industry entrepreneurs are hoping alternative devices such as solar-powered LED lights will replace the kerosene lamps.
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Remember the LED message wand? Brando's now got a miniaturised version that fits in the top of a ballpoint pen, and can display messages up to 20 characters in length. Perfect for covert cross-classroom messaging? As long as the teacher doesn't spot the flash of a red LED across the room. Available now for US$15.
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Here is a little gadget to show your support for green energy. The solar powered Keychain LED light gives you light when you need if you expose it to some sun once in a while. The Solar panel on this keychain is very small, but the 3 white LEDs just do not need much juice.The Hong Kong based Gadget store Brando sells the Solar keychain for $9.50.
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Big Moving Pictures will be rolling out a fleet of mobile LED screen displays which will be part of a new advertising medium. These displays will definitely put your spanking new 52'' plasma TV in your living room to shame, considering the fact that the ones offered by Big Moving Pictures are extremely massive, towering over ordinary folk at 40' x 22'. These HDTV LED displays will be attached to trucks, allowing it to engage the audience at major outdoor events in an unprecedented, close-to-home manner.
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Say what you will about the fiascoes leading up to the Beijing Olympics, but the event has brought along with it some amazing new architecture. Greeting visitors attending the Xicui entertainment complex near the site of the games is a 20,000 square foot wall of computer-controlled LEDs, the largest of its kind ever built. Better yet, the wall manages to power itself completely using only the sun.
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When the Newseum, an interactive museum of news, celebrated the grand opening of its new location in Washington DC on April 11th, visitors were greeted by a 40' by 22' Barco LED wall displaying crystal-clear video of breaking news, historic news presentations, and documentaries.
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Spas have now begun using LEDs as an effective tool in spa capsules. The Med Spa Clinic at Tunbridge Wells are claiming the world's first usage of LEDs in a whole capsule. I'm claiming them the creepiest.
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Each year, May is designated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. States and motorcycle organizations across the country conduct a variety of activities to promote the importance of motorist awareness and sharing the road with motorcyclists.
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According to market research firm iSuppli,due to their low power consumption, thin form factor, light weight and environmental friendliness, LEDs are set to take the notebook PC display backlighting market by storm during the next few years, with nine out of 10 large-sized mobile PC LCD panels expected to use the technology by 2012.
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LED lighting supplier Cree has launched LED University to promote and accelerate the adoption of LEDs by showcasing their use at universities. North Carolina State University, the first to sign up with the initiative, has installed recessed LED lighting in a dorm and chancellor's office and is putting in LED lighting in parking garages. The university reports LED lighting in the dorm has cut energy use by 66 percent so far.
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Recently, the American government says that if every American home replaced one light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, we could save enough energy to prevent greenhouse gases equal to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars. Certainly great news, yet recycling burned-out CFL light bulbs poses a quandary for homeowners.
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The MacBook Air has become the best advertisement for why companies should use LED (light-emitting diode) backlights in notebook screens, and is driving adoption, according to market researcher DisplaySearch.
LED backlights in display screens are an improvement over old CCFL (cold-cathode florescent lamps) technology for several reasons, including a stunning picture due to more vibrant contrasts, better power savings, and they're easier on the environment because they contain no mercury and last longer.
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On April 8, 2008 Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed Senate Bill 713 authorizing the use of certain auxiliary lighting on motorcycles.Effective June 1, 2008, Maryland motorcyclists can legally ride with light emitting diode (LED) pods and strips on their motorcycle, provided they do not blink, oscillate, or flash and are not red or blue, as these colors are reserved for law enforcement and emergency vehicles. That leaves amber, green, hot pink, jade, orange, purple, and white.
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The World's Largest LED Free-Hanging Chandelier was illuminated for the first time by Meyda Lighting on April 2nd, at the Stanley Center for the Arts in Utica, New York. Meyda Lighting, a Meyda Tiffany company and nation's leading manufacturer of decorative lighting, recently installed the chandelier after one year of planning and production in its manufacturing facilities.
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Lightscape Technologies, a provider of large scale LED screens and installations, LED lighting design solutions, and advanced lighting products, announced that its joint venture has completed the installation of its first mega-sized LED outdoor advertising display in Beijing, China, with another to follow by early May.
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Chelsea FC is to install 250 metres of LED-based banners displays at its Stamford Bridge stadium. Philips will supply the LED panels and application system. It also supplied two 40m sq. LED video screens that were installed in 1999."Chelsea FC is a world recognised football club and Stamford Bridge is our platform to the sports world. Our ongoing partnership with Philips is helping us to achieve this," said Chris Gleeson, facilities manager at Football Club.
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Lightscape Technologies Inc., a provider of large scale LED screens and installations, LED lighting design solutions, and advanced lighting products, today announced that its joint venture has completed the installation of its first mega-sized LED outdoor advertising display in Beijing, China, with another to follow by early May.
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The displays were introduced as part of an ad campaign by iShares. After one month, the displays will be opened up to other advertisers.Cemusa, the out-of-home media company that holds the street furniture contract for the New York City Department of Transportation, announced Tuesday it has introduced light emitting diode (LED) display panels on 20 bus shelters. The ad displays provide current time and temperature and are capable of scrolling text.
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Bocce ball is the new hip underground sport slowly becoming more mainstream as bars are including bocce courts, and its becoming a staple of any gathering. Now when the lights go low, the bocce won't have to stop when you have these LED bocce balls. Included in the set are nine colored balls in white, yellow, red, green and blue that all have embedded LEDs.
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The lights are a little whiter and a little brighter in part of St. Paul as part of an experiment with LED streetlights.
The city's environmental policy director, Anne Hunt, says it is experimenting with the new lights because they are greener, last longer and cheaper to operate.
Paul is following Austin, Texas; Anchorage, Alaska and Ann Arbor, Michigan, in installing the lights. A few smaller Minnesota cities have also tried them.
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STMicroelectronics , a world leader in power applications, has introduced three monolithic step-up converters for LED backlights and lighting, providing 30mA or 85mA current sources for six rows of up to 10 white LEDs. The LED7706, LED7707 and mobile-optimized PM6600 include on-chip MOSFETs to reduce part count, and operate up to 1MHz to minimize filter components.
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LED-backlit LCD TVs, enabled by Dolby Laboratories' High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology, produce stunning pictures. Unclear, though, is how much consumers will have to pay for that kind of picture quality.
"These products have been screaming to get out to a mass market," said Eric Haruki, research director for TV markets and technologies at IDC. But he cautioned that unless LED manufacturers can achieve the economies of scale and cut the cost of LEDs, "this could still remain a great white hope for awhile."
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Marumi's little ring-light uses LEDs instead of a flash tube, which has a couple of advantages. You can preview the light's effect on the image, and batteries will last a lot longer. Digital photography means that the color of light doesn't matter nearly as much as it did with film, but mixed lighting can still cause problems. The LEDs on the Marumi are daylight balanced.
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