About25 milesnor th of Atlanta, Forsyth County is experienc- ing change unlike any other place in Georgia. Until a few years ago, it was just another friendly Southern community with a well-established way of life. And then, the explosive growth of the Atlanta suburbs caught up with Forsyth, and now 200,000 people call it home andthe median income is the highest in the state.
Approximately 400 T8 Fluorescent tube lighs were replaced with Forest Lighting T8 LED Linear Lamps. (All Photo Courtesy of Forest Lighting)
Rapid growth brings with it a variety of challenges,including the local school system. From a handfulof schools in the 80’s, there are now 45,000 students in 35 schools… with 3 new high schools under construction. In order to keep rising costs under control, the county challenged its ser vicedepar tments to find ways to conser ve, and reduce operating and mainte- nance costs. The electrical team responded.
“Our goal is to get under$1 a squarefoot for electricity in all our buildings,” said Wayne Caston, Lead Electrician for For- sythCounty. “Aswe got closerto that goal, it becameclear that new lighting technology was a majoroppor tunityfor us. We have been monitoring the performance and cost of LED lighting products for years, and when the oppor tunityto work with Forest Lighting presenteditself,we jumpedat the chance to retrofitour first building.”
Views of classrooms lit with Forest Lighting's T8 LED retrofit lights.
Forsyth’s Academy for Creative Education building had over 400 lensed troffers with T8 fluorescent lamps. In just a few days, Wayne’s team completedthe change-outto ForestLight- ing T8 LED Linear Lamps. “We got the hangof it quickly, and the installationwent smoothly,” said Bo Weldy, Forsyth school electrician. “I could see right away that the LED lighting was better :cool, crisp and white. It’s a goodproduct.”
“Usually teachers and students complain when we change the lighting,” Castoncontinued. “But that wasnot the case this time. In fact, one teachertold me the lighting was now ‘normal’; I liked that. Myteam andIare proud that the kids have an improved place to learn.”
Stan Redd, another school electrician was also involved in the installation. “This project is a success. The Forest LEDs provide great light, with great color. We now have consistent light coverage in all classrooms, offices, work areas and hallways. Ifthe oppor- tunity presenteditself, Iwould look forward to working with Forest Lighting again on retrofits and our new buildings as well.”
Matt Russell, Sales Manager for Forest Lighting, spearheaded the project. “My family and Ihave lived on Forsyth County for generations, and I’m pleased that my company has improved the quality of the school facilities and provided a great environment for the kids. As one of the largest LED manufacturing companies in the world with installations in dozens of countries, I’m proud to see these products hard at work right here at home.”