At this year’s Lightfair, some LED supplier are peddling their cutting-edge, LED lighting products resorted to trashing — literally — fluorescent and incandescent lamps in their sales pitches.
For instance, a transparent trash pail filled with standard and C.F.L. bulbs was set up at a booth belonging to Digital Light, and. A glowing, LED-powered light stood triumphantly above the refuse.
One LED-maker’s display suggested that consumers trash their incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.
According to a Digital Light representative, the message behind the display is that with the advent of ultra-efficient LED products, consumers can now toss out their fluorescent bulbs — along with incandescents, which are already being phased out by federal legislation.
Meanwhile, Cree, Inc. displayed large posters saying: “It’s time to break your fluorescent shackles.”
Cree Lighting, an LED bulb maker, suggests that the dull lighting of fluorescents is a thing of the past.
Consumers and office desk-jockeys have been suffering the unflattering light of fluorescent bulbs for too long. Cree claims its products cast an attractive, incandescent-like light, but with a lifespan of 50,000 hours.