Germany-based UV LED maker UVphotonics announced that it will showcase UV LED products jointly with The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik (FBH) at Photonics West 2019.
Together with the FBH, UVphotonics develops the full UV LED technology chain, from the epitaxial growth of LED wafers up to complete turnkey modules. They develops and manufactures LEDs emitting in the UVB (280 nm – 320 nm) and the UVC (230 nm – 280 nm) spectral regions. According to the FBH, these LEDs can operate with low voltages and are robust to be rapidly switched and dimmed. Moreover, their wavelengths can be customized to meet requirements for various applications, including water purification, disinfection, medical diagnostics, phototherapy, plant growth, UV curing, and sensing.

(Image: UVphotonics, the FBH)
Featured products at Photonics West 2019 comprise 310 nm UVB LEDs with up to 30 mW output power at 350 mA and 265 nm UVC LEDs with > 25 mW at 350 mA. Also, fully packaged UVC LEDs with single emission peak at 233 nm and an output power of 0.3 mW at 100 mA will be showcased.
“We stay at the forefront of UV LED technology due to our close collaboration with the FBH and the TU Berlin”, points out Dr. Neysha Lobo Ploch, CEO of UVphotonics. “The FBH conducts R&D on (Ga,Al,In)N UV LEDs and performs all stages of device fabrication in-house, from design to epitaxial growth to chip processing, packaging and up to complete turn-key modules which are ready to use in applications”.