LED Light Bulbs and Lighting Fixtures
In exhibition, we can see LED light bulbs and light bars displays everywhere. no mat-ter how professional LED package manufacturers, traditional light bulb vendor or LED lighting new entrants are almost display this kind of product to provide a variety of plugs, brightness specification and watts, CRI and color temperature to meet cus-tomer needs.

A variety of light bulbs and light bars (1)
Megaman demoed LED CrOWN SILVER, which emphasizes one of a kind silver planted light design.

Megaman LED crown silver 1
One of major lighting manufacturers show 5W E26 & E27 light bulbs with360。 beam angle.

Bright 360。 LED Bulb 1
In terms of LED lighting fixtures, expect for desk lamps, which are popular among lighting manufacturers and most LED lighting design are from Chinese manufacturers. Due to fierce development of traditional lighting fixtures in China, it can be seen that several manufacturers apply LED into lighting fixture design.
Although those are not always for main lighting sources, but it is still a plenty of light sources for secondary light source and special light effect. it is expected that Chinese manufacturers are aggressive on LED lighting fixture design application and it will be a main trend as those lighting fixture manufacturers apply LED into major lighting design.

Besides, western manufacturers, including Megaman, Aromas, Bright and Philips, also show their LED lighting fixtures.

LED luminaire/ Aromas 1
With this fair, we could see how aggressive attitude Philips has in LED lighting fixture area. Philips announced a series of products which apply in living room, bed room, study room, kitchen, bathroom in family and has a variety of designs.
When everyone focuses LED lighting on replacement and business lighting areas, Philips has taken advantages of LED features to design a series of lighting fixtures for consumer market. Moreover, it stands for one of major lighting solution provider’s blue map. Philips indicated that the ambition of 50% of LED lighting market coming in 2015.

LED luminaires/ Philips 1
Philips’s built-in ambience (lighting solution) is switched on/off by remote control. This system included control IC built-in and LED lighting fixture, also a remote control can use wireless control up to 100 lamps and it distance reaches 30-50 meters. LED lighting fixtures can be controlled by a remote control.

Philips lighting solution 1

Besides, it can be seen that a series of LED lighting products with solar power or wind power in the fair. Due to fast technology development, it is an important trend of developing new energy and green energy.