According to the latest research report of LEDinside 「2019 Global LED Video Wall Market Outlook - Cinema, Rental Market and Price Trend」, as the demand for LED display in markets including rental market, HDR market application, retail and meeting room boosts, global LED display market scale in 2022 is expected to stand at USD 9.349 billion with a CAGR of 12% during 2018 to 2022. Thereinto, that of indoor fine pitch display in 2018 is expected to be up to USD 1.997 billion with a y-o-y growth of 39% and its CAGR during 2018 o 2022 will reach 28%, which is driven by the continuous development of ultra-fine pitch display in the future.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, “Micro-projection Technology Applied to Automotive HUD Trends,” the number of LEDs used in head up display (HUD) is estimated to reach 300 million in 2023.
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LED plant lighting market scale reaches about USD 224 Million in 2018, and the market scale of LEDs for plant lighting is about USD 58.5 Million. LEDinside estimates that the market scale of LED plant lighting and LEDs will rapidly grow to USD 633 Million and 151 Million by 2022, with CAGR of 30% and 27% during 2018-2022 respectively.
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The 2018 Micro LEDforum, hosted by LEDinside, ended on 12 July. This time, experts from various fields were invited to share the six bottlenecks in the Micro LED manufacturing process. In the mass transfer section, this time we invited Uniqarta, SelfArray, eLux, QMAT and KIMM to talk about the features of various transfer technologies and future potential.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Chinese Automotive Lighting Market Report- Passenger Car and Logistics Car Market Analysis, the market value of automotive headlamp LED in China is expected to reach US$1.21 billion in 2022, the highest among major automotive applications.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Micro LED Next-Gen Display Technology Market Report- 3Q18 Micro LED Transfer, Drive, Backplane and Application Requirements, the correspondences between each display specification and technologies such as mass transfer, drive and backplane have been discussed. Due to the differences of product properties and specifications for displays, mass transfer, drive and backplane need to correspond according to application characteristics of various display products. Therefore, for different areas of display products, manufacturers are in charge of the future direction of development.
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According to 2018 Infrared Sensing Application Market Report by LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, LiDAR laser market value is expected to reach USD 154 million in 2020. The main driving forces include automotive LiDAR (passenger / truck), intelligent transport system, drone, measurement, sweeping robot, etc.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Chinese LED Chip and Package Industry Market Report, Chinese LED package market scale is USD 10 billion in 2017, representing an increase of 12% YoY. In light of LEDinside, the major growth momentum of large increase in Chinese package market is from the following demand markets including general lighting, automotive lighting, digital display and emerging niche markets which all see good performance.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Chinese LED Chip and Package Industry Market Report, Chinese LED package market scale is RMB 65.9 billion in 2017 and it is expected to reach RMB 76.8 billion in 2021, according to LEDinside. Major growth momentum include lighting, digital display, automotive lighting and architectural / landscape lighting.
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Micro LED displays and Mini LED backlight technology have been the focus of spotlight in this year’s exhibitions of consumer electronics and display technology. Major manufacturers including Samsung, Sony, and AUO have showcased related conceptual products. It is also said that Samsung may mass-produce ultra-large Micro LED TVs, driving more manufacturers to invest in Mini LED R&D. According to the latest report of LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, the market value of Micro LED and Mini LED products is estimated at US$1.38 billion by 2022.
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According to LEDinside’s 2018 Infrared Sensing Application Market Report, pulse oximeter heart rate sensors have been widely introduced into smartwatch and wristband markets, pushing the demand for infrared optical components. Apple is expected to increase the accuracy of pulse oximeter heart rate sensors in its new-generation Apple Watch, thus may double the amount of green LEDs and infrared LEDs used in the products. The amount of photodiode needed for the new products may be four to five times more than in previous models, and the photodiode will also be larger in size.
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Call for Paper Abstracts: TrendForce is inviting companies and academic institutions to submit abstracts or outlines of their latest technical papers related to Innovative Micro LED Technologies. Below are instructions, terms, and conditions for the submission.
▲ Submission Period: Jun. 6, 2018 to Sep. 30, 2018
▲ Prize winners will be announced on Oct 30, 2018.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Chinese Automotive Lighting Market Report- Passenger Car and Logistics Car Market Analysis, the quantity and market share of local car manufacturers in China have increased since 2017. The sales volume of domestic brands has grown annually as well. The product price levels from local car manufacturers have gradually approached to medium range. Although the license plate lottery measure reduced purchasing willingness, yet, as per capita income grew, car penetration will experience significant growth. Chinese conventional passenger car shipment volume in 2017 has reached 23.8 million units, and is expected to reach 25.5 million units in 2018.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, LEDinside TV and Gaming Display Market Trend of 2018, backlight and self-emissive display technology will compete together in the near future.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Commercial Lighting, Smart Lighting and Panel Light Market Report, the global LED indoor commercial lighting market will reach USD 15.87 billion in 2018, accounting for 42% of the global LED lighting production value, moreover, the global LED commercial lighting is estimated to achieve CAGR of 3% during 2018-2021, growing slower than previous years, mainly resulting from the price decrease of LED lighting products and the reduction in market installation.
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According to the latest report, 2Q18 Micro LED Next-Generation Display Technology Market Report- Micro Projection AR & VR Market Trend and Analysis, from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, LEDinside analyzes the light sources of micro projection. Since Micro LED has high brightness and is power-saving, it can produce miniature module. After Micro LED technology becomes mature, it will be the new mainstream for display technology.
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The LED packaging market has witnessed steady growth over the past year, says LEDinside, a division of TrendForce. According to LEDinside’s latest industry report, the annual revenue of global LED package market was US$15.975 billion in 2016, and reached US$18.035 billion in 2017. Based on the revenue of 2017, the top three LED package suppliers worldwide were Nichia, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, and Lumileds, while MLS from China climbed to fourth place thanks to its significant capacity expansion efforts.
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Smart lighting has been developed for years, but products and applications are not really used widely. In 2017, however, smart lighting has begun to escalate with diversification of products, continuous improvements of technology, maturing ecosystem of industry chain, and active promotion of manufacturers. According to the latest data of LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, the global smart lighting market reached a value close to US$4.6 billion in 2017 with an annual growth rate of 95%. The market size is expected to reach US$13.4 billion in 2020.
Read more at https://press.trendforce.com/press/20180320-3078.html#GogpHqGqEKOZDt2W.99
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According to the latest Gold Member Report - LED Industry Demand and Supply Data Base from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, in 2017, due to the stable prices on LED market and the rapid growth of automotive lighting and outdoor architectural lighting, LED market value of 2017 reached USD 17.16 billion, up 7.4% YoY.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Industrial Lighting and High / Low Bay Light Market Report, the global LED industrial lighting market increases significantly as the stability and price of LED products are approaching the traditional metal-halide lamp. Europe takes up the largest market share in 2018, followed by China and America. In view of shipments, Chinese market accounts for the greatest proportion, mainly because the products from Chinese market are in lower prices. The global industrial lighting market scale comes to USD 3.934 billion in 2018, and expected to reach USD 5.687 billion in 2022, with CAGR of 10% during 2018-2022.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 1Q18 Micro LED Next-Generation Display Technology Market Report- 2018 Micro LED and Mini LED Industry Trend, the Micro LED market value in 2025 is expected to reach USD 2.891 billion.
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According to the latest 2018 infrared sensing application report from LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, pulse oximeter heart rate sensors in digital health have been completely introduced into smartwatch and wristband markets. They have been gradually introduced into other wearable devices, applied in sports training, home care and automotive driver monitoring markets. Because there are around 400 million patients, suffering from diabetes in the world, blood glucose monitoring market has high potential. Most blood glucose monitors are invasive. To achieve non-invasive IR optical sensing, the main keys are the accuracy of calculating program, cooperation of medical organizations and FDA certification.
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According to 2018 Infrared Sensing Application Market Report by LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, multiple applications will broaden business opportunities for the infrared industry. LEDinside targets on the ten major application markets, such as surveillance security, mobile biometric system (iris / facial / fingerprint), digital healthcare (pulse oximetry), gaming notebook, touch panel, NIR spectroscopy, AR / VR/ eye tracking, car sensor, LiDAR and drones, proximity sensor, etc., to analyze the market scale, opportunities and challenges, product specification and supply chain, and provides wide scope and comprehensive outlook of the infrared application market.
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Major Chinese LED chip suppliers including San’an Optoelectronics and HC SemiTek have lowered their product prices recently, indicating the end of LED chip price hike that had lasted for one and a half year. According to LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, the recent price drop signals the end of LED chip undersupply, and the next year will witness a balance in LED chip supply and demand.
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According to 2018 Infrared Sensing Application Market Report by LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, many smartphone companies have been developing 3D sensing embedded devices since Apple launched iPhone X featuring 3D sensor. LEDinside anticipates that the value of global infrared laser projector market for mobile 3D sensing is estimated to reach US$246 million in 2017, and is forecast to grow to around US$1.953 billion in 2020.
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LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, points out that LED manufacturers have turned to research and development of Mini LED, due to Micro LED’s technological bottlenecks which make it harder to realize commercialization in short term.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 LED market demand and supply analysis, automotive LED market value in 2017 was USD 2817 million, will grow 12.45% in 2018. Amongst those, the growth driver of automotive LED market will be headlamp, fog light, and automotive panel.
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Samsung officially released 34-foot Cinema Screen in 2017, and the screen has been installed at Lotte Cinema World Tower in Korea. This is the first product that brings LED digital display into the movie theater application around the world. Samsung’s goal is to take up 10% movie theater market in 2020.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Global LED Digital Display and Micro LED Display Market Outlook, due to economic recession, global LED display market experienced limited growth and market demand of traditional display decreased. However, thanks to the development of LED fine pitch display in recent years, display market demand increased again. In 2017, global LED display market scale reached USD 5.092 billion. Indoor fine pitch display (≤P2.5) will continuously maintain growth after experiencing rapid development in the past few years, and the market scale in 2017 was USD 1.141 billion with CAGR of 2017-2021 is expected to reach 12%.
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According to the latest report from LEDinside, a division of the market research firm TrendForce, 2018 Light LED and LED Lighting Market Outlook, LED lighting market scale will achieve USD 32.72 billion in 2018 and will reach USD 33.3 billion in 2019 when lighting that can be replaced enter the period of saturation, while industrial, architectural and landscape, outdoor and special commercial lighting will keep on developing.
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