City of Hillsboro Selects McKinstry to Audit City’s Streetlights

The City of Hillsboro has selected McKinstry, a design-build company specializing in energy-based retrofits, to audit the City’s streetlights for consideration of a city-wide conversion to LED street lighting technology.
(McKinstry/ LEDinside)
The audit will help the City determine a project that will simplify their street lighting system, provide wireless control of the lights, and reduce their number of fixture types. If advanced controls are selected the new systems may include technologies such as time-based dimming and a centralized system that will alert city staff when lights go out.
Once installed, the new fixtures will save the City annual utility costs, improve public lighting, and last longer before replacement. Because LED light fixtures last longer than the fixtures they are replacing, they require less maintenance for upkeep and reduce the waste sent to the landfill each year.
 “We are thrilled to partner with the City of Hillsboro on this exciting comprehensive streetlighting project,” said Lee Hankins, business unit manager for McKinstry’s energy services group. “We applaud the City’s forward-looking vision on building smart-city infrastructure that will benefit all of the residents of Hillsboro.”
The audit is in progress and is expected to be complete by April 2017. 
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