Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corp announced the "Normal Light Bulb-type 10.6W," a new LED light bulb with a wide light distribution angle.
Its light distribution angle is 260°, which is equivalent to that of a bulb-shaped fluorescent lamp. And the brightness of the new LED light bulb is equivalent to that of a 60W incandescent light bulb.
It will come in two types, a daylight color type and an incandescent color type, whose luminous fluxes are 1,000 and 810lm, respectively.
"As a light bulb with a wide light distribution angle, it has the highest brightness in the industry," Toshiba Lighting & Technology said.
The rated power consumptions of the two types are 10.6W. The company will release the new LED light bulb Nov 15, 2011.
Toshiba Lighting & Technology formed three radiator plates like ribs inside the globe (semispherical cover) of the LED light bulb so that heat from its LED elements is efficiently released to the outside. The company calls this structure "Triple Arch Radiator Plate."
In the case of normal LED light bulbs, most of the heat from the LED elements is released from the chassis on which a power supply and a substrate are mounted. On the other hand, in the case of the new product, the heat transferred from the LED elements to the substrate is released from the globe via the Triple Arch Radiator Plate.
As a result, the heat radiation efficiency of the new product is higher than those of existing LED light bulbs. And it became possible to realize a brightness equivalent to that of a 60W incandescent light bulb without changing the shape of the light bulb.