The U.S. delegation headed by U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu (PhD) visited the Optogan LED production plant in St. Petersburg.
Nobel Laureate Steven Chu (PhD) is a recognized expert in the development of energy efficient technologies. The aim of the official visit of the US delegation to Russia was to become acquainted with Russian industry innovation and to search for possible ways to implement joint projects in energy and energy efficiency.
Mutual projects were discussed within the Working Group on Energy and Environment - a bilateral US-Russian presidential commission of Steven Chu (PhD) and the Russian Energy Minister, Sergei Shmatko. The Working Group engaged in developing and strengthening bilateral relations between these countries and increasing their cooperation on energy efficiency.
At the Optogan plant the US delegation was shown a high-tech production of LEDs and precision equipment to create energy-efficient solid state lighting solutions. Further plans to launch the second and third stage of the production, as well as the introduction of Optogan in international markets were explained.
“The reformation of the energy system of a country cannot happen without the alignment of international experts, the exchange of information on the leading technologies and global co-operations”, said Maxim Odnoblyudov (PhD), President of the Optogan Group. “The fact, that we have the opportunity to work hand in hand with the leading scientists of energy-efficient technologies is a success for Russia and for our company. For Optogan this implies that our company is a prime example for international collaboration to transfer the scientific achievements to society,” continued Odnoblyudov.
“Solid state lighting is the energy efficient solution of the future with a convincing global potential. I strongly believe, that Optogan has a great opportunity for joint projects and cooperation with American business partners,” said secretary Chu.
Steven Chu, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997, was appointed by President Obama as Secretary of Energy heading the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Chu dedicated his scientific career to solving energy problems, global warming and developing alternative and renewable energy. Steven Chu is member of the US National Academy of Sciences. He directed the National Laboratory in Berkeley in developing alternative and renewable energy sources. Chu graduated from the University of California Berkeley with a PhD. in Physics and received honorary degrees from 10 universities.

US Department Secretary Steven Chu (PhD) visited Optogan´s LED production plant in St. Petersburg.
About Optogan Group:
Optogan is a leader in LED technologies with innovative, cost efficient, high quality lighting modules. Since 2005 Optogan has been developing and producing LED light crystals in Germany based on the patented Nobel Prize technology epimaxxTM. The company focuses on energy efficient and environment friendly general lighting. The international team of LED professionals and experts clearly differentiate themselves through their strong customer orientation. The Optogan Group, with its 300 employees, has plants in Landshut (Germany), Dortmund (Germany), Helsinki (Finland) and St. Petersburg (Russia).