LEDinside: Infrared Sensing Market Scale Will Achieve over USD 2.1 Billion in 2020

According to the latest “LEDinside 2019 Infrared Sensing Application Market Report- Mobile Sensing, LiDAR and Optical Sensing” various IR products have kept developing, which have brought about unlimited business opportunities. LEDinside focuses on the applications as follows, including security surveillance, biometric recognition on mobile device (iris, 2D facial, under display fingerprint recognition- optical and ultrasonic, 3D facial recognition- structured light, ToF, stereo vision), digital medical care (pulse, oximetry, glucose sensing), spectral sensing, automotive sensing (facial and gesture) and automotive LiDAR, drone, AGV, proximity sensor, optical communication, etc. Market scale, opportunities, challenges, product specification and supply chain is discussed and analyzed in this report, which helps readers to have an overall understanding to infrared application markets.

(Source: LEDinside)

LEDinside analyzes infrared sensing market including IR LED and IR laser (VCSEL and EEL). Security surveillance, 2D facial recognition are categorized to IR LED; mobile 3D sensing of VCSEL and LiDAR market are included in IR laser. In 2018, IR LED and IR laser market scale is USD 1.372 billion and it will grow up to USD 2.143 billion in 2020. However, if the World Facing ToF of iPhone is introduced in 2019, the market scale will be able to achieve USD 2.341 billion.

3D sensing includes structured light, ToF and active stereo vision. Structured light is patterned by image; therefore, its depth accuracy is relatively high. However, the high cost and computational complexity become its disadvantages. Compared to the structured light, ToF owns lower accuracy and depth, but its fast response time and wide recognition range are more advantageous. ToF can be divided into the front facing and the world facing. The cost of the front facing time-of-flight is relatively high. The world facing requires a higher VCSEL power, but its cost of sensing module is relatively low. Active stereo vision, which requires two identical cameras with very high hardware requirements, mainly used in the commercial market.

According to Joanne Wu, research manager of LEDinside, the key factor of 3D sensing market is the sales status of APPLE mobile phone. In addition to unlocking and mobile payment function, it needs more powerful incentives to drive the consumers’ buying desire. Furthermore, 2D facial recognition has the advantage of high recognition and can achieve the function of mobile payment, so it is the closest to 3D sensing function, and the cost is relatively low. Therefore, LEDinside expects that the under display fingerprint and 2D facial recognition market will seize the market share of mid-class mobile phones in the future.

With the rise of market demand for 3D sensing and automotive LiDAR, VCSEL manufacturers have also made a series of acquisitions and investments. LEDinside will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of infrared LED, VCSEL and EEL in major infrared applications, manufacturers' expansion plans and product development, providing readers with an overall understanding towards the infrared sensing market.

2019 Infrared Sensing Application Market Trend- Mobile Sensing, LiDAR and Optical Sensing

Release Date: 01 January 2019
Languages: Traditional Chinese / English
Pages: 181

Wavelength and Application Market Analysis
Infrared Wavelength and Application Market Analysis
IR LED and IR Laser Product Power and Sensing Distance Analysis
2019 Infrared Sensing Application Market Trend

Chapter I. Infrared LED Market Scale and Application Trend

2019-2023 IR LED Market Value
2019-2023 IR LED Market Value- Security Surveillance Market
2019-2023 IR LED Market Value- Automotive Night Vision System Market
2019-2023 IR LED Market Value- Under Display Fingerprint
2019-2023 IR LED Market Value- Eye Tracking
2019-2023 IR LED Market Value- Iris and Facial Recognition
IR LED Product Specification in Surveillance and Facial Recognition Market

Chapter II. Infrared Laser Market Scale and Player Movement

2.1 Infrared Laser Market Scale
 2018-2020 Mobile 3D Sensing VCSEL Market Value
 2019-2023 LiDAR Laser Market Value

2.2 Infrared Laser Technology Requirement
 IR VCSEL Manufacturing Process
 IR EEL Manufacturing Process
 Implanted and Oxidation VCSEL Analysis
 LED, EEL, VCSEL Product Performance Analysis
 Advantages of VCSEL Used in 3D Sensing Mobile Products
 IR LED and IR Laser Product Power and Sensing Distance Analysis

2.3 Infrared Laser Player Movement
 VCSEL / EEL Player List
 VCSEL Manufacturers M&A and Investment Strategies
 Global 35 VCSEL Players Production Capability Analysis
 VCSEL v.s. EEL Player Supply Chain Analysis
 2018 VCSEL / EEL Player Capacity Plan Analysis
 1W VCSEL Player Product Performance and Price Analysis

2.4 Long Wavelength Infrared Technology and Market Trend
 Long Wavelength VCSEL Manufacturing Process
 Opportunities and Challenges for Long-wavelength IR Laser Market
 Long-wavelength IR Laser and IR LED Player List

Chapter III. Mobile Biometric Sensing Market Trend

Major Biometric Methods and Its Pros and Cons
2018-2019 Major Biometrics Market Share

3.1 Iris Recognition
 Iris Recognition Product is to Become a Product of History
 Iris Recognition in Potential Application Markets

3.2 Fingerprint Recognition
 2018-2019 Mobile Shipment and OLED Penetration Rate
 2018-2019 Mobile Shipment- Optical and Ultrasonic Under Display Fingerprint
 Optical and Ultrasonic Under Display Fingerprint
 Optical Touch ID and IR LED Product Specification
 2018-2019 Optical and Ultrasonic Under Display Fingerprint Market Share
 Optical Under Display Fingerprint Recognition Supply Chain

3.3 3D Facial Recognition
 Extensive Application of 3D Sensing
 3D Sensing Technology Analysis
 ToF Sensing Solution- Direct Type and In-Direct Type
 Feasibility of 3D Sensing Technology Used in Mobile AR
 Comprehensive Analysis of 3D Sensing Technology
 3D Sensing Technology- Strategic Alliance and Player Status
 APPLE True Depth Camera to Boost 3D Sensing Technology
 Structured Lighting Depth Camera Cost and Supply Chain
 Structured Lighting Depth Camera Structure and Potential Supply Chain
 Time of Flight Depth Camera Cost- Front Facing
 Time of Flight Depth Camera Structure and Potential Supply Chain- Front Facing
 Time of Flight Depth Camera Cost- World Facing
 Time of Flight Depth Camera Structure and Potential Supply Chain- World Facing
 Active Stereo Vision Depth Camera Cost Forecast
 Active Stereo Vision Depth Camera Structure and Potential Supply Chain
 VCSEL Chip and Package Technologies Analysis
 VCSEL Chip and Package Technologies- WLO Components
 Key Successful Factors of VCSEL Product Analysis
 VCSEL Burn in and Test Requirements in all Phases
 Mobile Brands Face ID and 3D Sensing Supply Chain
 2018-2020 Mobile 3D Sensing Market Scale
 2018-2020 Mobile 3D Sensing VCSEL Market Value
 Mobile Branding Facial Recognition and 3D Sensing Schedule
 Key Factors of Mobile 3D Sensing Market Development

3.4 2D Facial Recognition
 2D Face ID Principle and Market Demand
 IR LED Products Used in 2D Face ID Market

Chapter IV. LiDAR Market Trend

2018 v.s. 2023 LiDAR Market Value
LiDAR Market Application Overview
LiDAR Three Major Applications Analysis

4.1 Industrial, Warehousing and Logistics Automation Market
 Automated Guided Vehicle Product Introduction
 Seven Navigations of Automated Guided Vehicle
 Automated Guided Vehicle Market Development and Players

4.2 Automotive LiDAR Market
 Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)- Levels Diagram
 Car Maker ADAS Roadmap
 Autonomous Car Market- Merge, Investment, Strategic Cooperation Analysis
 2020-2050 ADAS Market Forecast
 Eight Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Sensor Analysis
 Analysis of Automotive Sensing- LiDAR, Radar and IR Camera
 Scanning LiDAR Execute Process
 Flash LiDAR Execute Process
 Automotive LiDAR Manufacturer List- By Region
 Scanning LiDAR v.s. Flash LiDAR Technology Analysis
 Scanning LiDAR v.s. Flash LiDAR Player Analysis
 Automotive LiDAR Market Restriction Factors
 LiDAR Product Technology and Specifications Overview
 Scanning LiDAR and Flash LiDAR Analysis

4.3 Drone Market
 Industrial Drone Application Market Analysis
 Drone Obstacle Avoidance Technologies
 Drone Product Trend and Supply Chain Analysis

4.4 LiDAR Laser Market Requirement and Major Player
2019-2023 LiDAR Laser Market Value
LiDAR Three Basic Components
LiDAR End Product Requirements and Light Source Analysis
LiDAR Laser Strength Analysis and Major Suppliers
Long-wavelength IR Laser in Automotive LiDAR Market
Photodetector Product Advantages Analysis
IR Laser and Photodetector Manufacturer List

Chapter V. Mobile and In-cabin Automotive Optical Sensor Market

Mobile and Wearable Device Sensing Trend
2018-2019 Mobile and Wearable Device Shipment

5.1 Proximity Sensor Market Trend
 2018-2019 Proximity Sensor Market Trend and Major Suppliers
 Proximity Sensor Niche Market- AirPods Introduction

5.2 Photoplethysmography Market Trend
 2018-2019 Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market- Accurate Measurement
 2018-2019 Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market- Blood Glucose Trend
 2018-2019 Pulse Oximeter Market Trend- Glucose Monitoring
 Photoplethysmography (PPG) Business Model
 Main Pulse Oximetry Sensor Supply Chain and Brand List

5.3 Spectral Sensing Market Trend
 2018-2021 Spectral Sensing Market Scale
 Spectral Sensing Market Trend and Application
 Principle of Spectral Sensing Products
 IR with Visible Light Spectrum Sensing Player and Product Trend

5.4 In-vehicle Automotive Optical Sensor Market Trend
 In-vehicle Infotainment System Trend
 In-vehicle Optical Sensing Three Market Trends
 Facial Recognition Market and IR Product Trend
 Driver Physiological Monitoring and IR Product Market Trend
 Automotive Gesture Recognition and IR Product Market Trend
 In-vehicle Optical Sensing Market Supply Chain
 In-vehicle Optical Sensing Market Penetration Rate

Chapter VI. Optical Communication Trend

Optical Communication Market Definition
Optical Communication Major Player and Product Plan
2018-2019 Key Factors of Optical Communication Market Growth
2018-2020 Data Center Server Market Scale
100G Solutions and Light Source Product Requirements
2018 Optical Communication Emitting and Receiving Components Market


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